
  • Helpful Links

    Brené Brown, Ph.D., LCSW

    Research based information on vulnerability, shame and connection. Includes videos, writings and downloads.


    A website with research based activities to support positive mood.


    Finding a therapist who can help you heal.

  • Recommended Reading

    Daring Greatly - Brene Brown, Ph.D., LCSW

    What's Right With You - Barry Duncan, Psy, D

    Care of the Soul - Thomas Moore

    Non-Violent Communication: A Language of Life - Marshall B. Rosenberg, Phd.

    Radical Acceptance - Tara Brach, Ph.D.

    When Things Fall Apart - Pema Chodron

    The Path to the Real Self - Eva Pierrakos

    Hold Me Tight: Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love - Dr. Sue Johnson (For individuals & couples)

The website links are for information and resource.
Please rely on your own discretion for what is a fit for you and your needs.
The content on the sites are recommended and not affiliated with or Linda Gibbins-Croft, LCSW, HTP